
Japanese wearing surgical masks


Spring is good and bad
I love Spring but at the same time I hate it, no I am afraid of it. Because Spring is when the cypress pollen levels are their highest.
Many people are suffering from allergy to cedar pollen in Japan.
You will see a lot of people wearing surgical masks if you visit Japan in Spring, specially during February and March.
surgical masks japan hey fever pollen

Reason of this modern disease in Japan
Let's look back over Japanese history....about 60 years ago, Japanese government planted a huge numbers of cedar trees in many parts of the country in order to make the country self-sufficient in wood for new housing because people had lost their houses to fire during the World War II. But the forestry industry declined and cheaper imported building materials increased in demand through the period of the high economic growth in the 1960's. As the result of it, the tree planted stay there to make forests.

When I visited a provincial area in February a few years ago, I saw the orange pollen flew away from the cedar trees like this... So They scared me!
surgical masks japan hey fever pollen

Protect my self from just the pollen by wearing masks 
In my case, annoying allergic symptoms are sneezing and running nose, stuffy nose, itchy eyes, blood shoot, itchy nose, itchy ears and irritating throat. Sometimes I have skin order. If I go out without wearing a mask, they gets worse. Now the preventive goods against the cedar pollen are in huge demand.
One of the most popular is surgical masks.Without wearing masks, I would suffer from strong allergic symptoms even when I take medicines.

We have some kinds of masks. The mask in the picture above is my favorite. The shape looks like a beak? This doesn't touch my nose so I can breath smoothly.
I know foreign tourist are afraid that Japanese are germaphobes by seeing many with surgical masks. NO NO! We are protecting ourselves from just the pollen.
歴史を振り返ると...60年前、日本政府は戦火で家を失った国民の建築需要に国内供給できるようになるため、めちゃくちゃ沢山杉を植林したんです。ですが1960年代 の高度成長期には林業は衰え、輸入ものの建材が需要を伸ばしました。結果、植林された木は残り、森となります。

