
How safe is it?


Japan may be very safe... but
I saw one "salary man" (it means office workers in Japanese) wearing an eye mask for sleeping in the commute train this morning.
Yes that man was sleeping on the seat.
I was so surprised that I could not take my eyes on his face.. A couple of mins later, he woke up and took off the mask down on his neck and started to look at his phone. After a while he took up the eye mask from his neck to put it into the eye mask bag and got off the train.
hmmm, Viva Japan! even he sleeps deeply with an eye mask like in bed putting his bag on his legs, nobody steals it. It is Japan.

On the other hand this morning we learned one incident took place last night. A guy was shoot in a bar in Fukuoka of the island of Kyushu in Japan. One guy suspected was arrested and he is not supposed to be Yakuza. Yakuza is the Japanese mafia.
It is very few cases but we have criminal shootings indeed among them in Japan.
Safety in Nepal
When I decided to visit Nepal for the first time, most of my friends said to me. "please please be careful" I myself thought too, "I need to be sooooo careful."
It turned to be safe in my case. Of course I tried not to be outstanding as a tourist. I didn't walk with my bag opened and walk alone after dark. Thing is that I want to say, it is safe in Nepal as much as you behave normal and properly. Don't trust quickly people approaching you kindly.Don't walk alone in the dark. It is one of common senses to visit overseas.

stray dog 野良犬 
Be careful to dogs
This is common view in many asian countries, dogs are blessed with liberty on the streets. It is the same as in Kathmandu. You can see many dogs walking and laying on the streets.
Most of them are stray dogs. When it gets dark, please be careful not to step on them. You must be approaching them while you don't see them sometimes.
驚きのあまり、わたし彼の顔から目を外せなくなりました。。数分たつと、彼は目を覚まして、アイマスクを外して首のところに引っ掛けて、スマホを見始めました。 少し経つと、首からアイマスクを外して、アイマスク用のバッグにしまって、電車を降りていきました。
ううむ。ビバ日本! あたかもベッドで寝ているかのようにアイマスクをして寝ていても、誰も彼の膝の上に置いてあるバッグを盗もうとはしない。日本だ!

結果、わたしの場合、無事でした。もちろん、旅行者!と目立たないようにしましたけど。バッグを開けたまま歩かないとか、暗くなったら一人で歩かないとか。つまり、普通に、ちゃんとしていればネパールでは安全です。 海外へ行く時の常識ですよね。