Showing posts with label FESTIVALs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FESTIVALs. Show all posts


Nepal festival in Yoyogi Park of Tokyo


Nepal Festival
In summer we have a lot of "natsu fes" in Japan recently. It is not traditional festivals but kind of outdoor concerts or music lives. Young people like to join them. In my case.... I have no energy left ... But I like "international festival" held in Yoyogi park of Tokyo. They regularly hold events that you can enjoy eating specific countries' or foreign areas' foods and cultural things.

They had a Nepal Festival event in Tokyo on Aug 6th and 7th.

It was a pretty hot melting day but a lot of Nepalese and Japanese who is fond of Nepal got together in the park. I think I saw more Nepalese than Japanese. I was impressed Nepalese girls and ladies in pretty dresses.


dog and cow say "i don't care...."


When I walk around in Kathmandu, I see many saying "ah... I don't care."

They are quite generous and brave with the high self-esteem. Even someone are upsetting besides them, they don't care....

dogs 犬 ネパール nepal

They are totally relaxed among guys. This is on a footbridge. Another one is showing dogs laying down in the middle of road. Even if a motorbike passes by them, they  don't care it.

Next... this is sleeping under a statue in front of a shrine. Heeey this place is a holly place....! But he may sleep anywhere and anytime when he wants to sleep.

I saw another one dog sleeping under a bicycle. It seems that it is not good place to sleep...

god nepal 犬 ネパール 

 Cows are also like them. They don't mind where they are sleeping and walking. Or... they perhaps think themselves as a person?


Rato Machhindranath Jatra in Patan ~ No2


People say that it is one of the oldest festival in Kathmandu Valley. Lord Machhendranath who is a rain-maker god, came to Kathmandu Valley to rescue people suffering from a severe drought and let people have a plenty of rain.

I found a mysterious thing about this story. The load transformed to a bee when he came over there, in a vase. Why bee??? The name “Rato Machhindranath” literally translates into “Red Fish God”....

Machhendranath, マチャンドラナート
the chariot is huge

Machhendranath  マチャンドラナート
the top of the chariot
Anyway "Rato" means red then the status of Machhendranath is in red like this. They have another Machhendranath festival in Kathmandu, called Set Machhendranath. The status is in white.
They light up butter-lamps in front of the chariot making the site even more beautiful surrounded by those lights.
Machhendranath  マチャンドラナート
the statue in red

「ラト・マチャンドラ ナート」は、「赤い魚の神様」ですが。。
Machhendranath  マチャンドラナート
the wheels of the chariot are also huge



Rato Machhendranath  praying for rain

Rato Machhendranath雨乞いのお祭り

Festival in Patan
Now people are celebrating Rato Machhendranath festival in Patan. The month-long festival begins with the construction of the chariot begins on the 4th day of the two-week of Bachhala which is the seventh month in the lunar Nepal Sambat calendar. The construction takes place in April.

However first time I saw the festival was back to last October. Since the devastating earthquake damaged the chariot , it was delayed.
chariot 山車 Rato Machhendranath i
When I happened to see it, first something very tall appeared in the dark when I walked in Patan after I had dinner out. It was like a tower in the middle of the narrow allay. People surrounding around the tower, I assumed it as a march by protesters lol.

The chariot procession known as Bunga Dyah Jatra or Rato Machhindranath Jatra is the most important event. It is celebrated by Buddhists and Hindus of Newar community by carrying the chariot.

Btw they have a similar festival, rather than, I am confused , Seto Machhendranath Rath in Kathmandu. The chariot is much larger.

Rato Machhendranath is known as the god of rain. Before they will have rainy season in June, they worship the god praying for rain and prosperity.

Actually I asked my friend in Nepal pictures of the festival but he told me that he didn't go see it because it rained yesterday. Wow The worship already has worked !

Today he went to Darbar Square in Patan to learn the huge crowd joining the festival. He took pics of them but I haven't given and I will receive them tomorrow. I will upload them then.
今、ネパールはRato Machhendranath祭の真っ最中です。チャリオット(山車)を作るところから始まるこの1箇月のお祭りは、ネパールカレンダー(太陰暦)の7箇月目にあたるBachhala の2週の4日目から開始です。製作は4月になります。

チャリオットパレードは、 Bunga Dyah Jatra または Rato Machhindranath Jatraと呼ばれ、メインイベントです。仏教と先住民族ネワール族のヒンズー教両方がチャリオットを引いてお祝いします。

ちなみに似た、というかわたしが混乱したお祭りにカトマンズでお祝いされるSeto Machhendranathがあります。こっちの方がチャリオットがもっと大きいそうです。

Rato Machhendranath は雨の神様です。6月に来る雨季の前に雨と繁栄をおお祈りするんですね。



How to celebrate Mother's Day


in Japan
Today is Baisakh 26th in 2073 in Nepali calendar.

In most countries Mother's day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May, including Japan.

People celebrate motherhood giving red carnations commonly in Japan.

This tradition is like the United State according to some articles. This is based on the beginning of Mother's day in the United State.

And in Japan it is also common that kids 's drawings of moms are tacked on the walls in kindergartens or primary schools. The pictures they made show their loves to moms.
It is kind of ritual in Nepal
In Nepal Mother's day falls on the Nepali month of Baisakh. This year, it was celebrated on May 6.
It is also known as Mata Tirtha Ausi which is a tradition rather than a festival. People visit Mata Tirtha in Kathmandu, to perform Sraddha or Pind Daan generally. Although they are Hindu rituals performed to pay homage to their ancestors, specially parents post death, there are more than 60 ethnic groups in Nepal and they have their own ways to celebrate Mother's day. My friend,

San, told me he called his mother giving his love and respect to her.

It is always the best way to express my love for mothers in any nations.

今日はネパールのカレンダーで言うと2073年の Baisakh月です。



ネパールというと、Baisakhに母の日はあります。今年は5月6日でした。Mata Tirtha Ausi といってお祭りというより儀式です。

カトマンズのMata Tirtha という場所に行って、 Sraddha または Pind Daan を行います。これらはヒンズー儀式で、祖先、とくに両親がな亡くなっている場合は、そのあとに敬意を表すために行われるものですが、




Boy's festival in Japan


“Carp Streamers” (koinobori) 
koinobori boy's festival in Japan
a plenty of Koinobori in an event held in Tokyo tower

Today is "Children's day". It is also called "Boy's festival" comparing to Girl's festival on March 3.

Traditionally families having boys celebrate their boy's  healthy growth and happiness flying carp-shaped streamers(Koinobori) the exterior of the house or display dolls of warriors inside. I remember Koinobori flutter in the wind when I was a kid.

Koinobori imply a family consisted of father and mother, a boy.
鯉のぼり こどもの日
the traditional style
Back to Edo-era, when a boy was born, warrior(samurai) families celebrate it putting a flag out at their home exteriors. This custom became common among the regular people.
And people connected this custom with a Chinese ancient story of  carp and started to display Koinobory.

The myth is like this.
There was a violent waterfall called the Dragon gate. Only a carp swam upstream strongly  to become a dragon while other fishes didn't make it.
People changed the custom and started to display Koinobori instead of flags. Koinobori symbolizes strength and success.
Less common
In the recent years more people live in apartments rather than houses.  They don't  have enough space to display Koinobori in the balconies. Even they do, Koinobori are flown by the strong wind and got stuck in the balcony of .nextdoor.


Worshipping dogs in Nepal

ネパール 犬を祭ります

As I wrote, Nepal is a country of dogs kind of. Even they have the festival for dogs. That is Tihar which is one the most celebrated festival in Nepal. It is a five-day-Hindu festival in November.

Tihar nepal festival


Huge crowd in the festival "`Pahachare"


jai bhadra kali maa
If you visited Kathmandu, you were stuck in this crowd. People are celebrating the Pahachare festival.
This worships godess, Jai Bhadra Kali Maa. This is three-day-festival of the Newar community.
People invite their married daughters and sisters an friends home for a grand feast on the second and third days. The festival begins every year on the Chaitra Krishna Pakcha Chaturdashi which is second half of a lunar month. Chaitra Krishna Pakcha Chaturdash seems to be in Hindi Calendar.



Happy Holi!

Holi カラーフェスティバル

Spring festival in Nepal
It is Holi today in Nepal. Holi is known as festival of colors to celebrate arriving Spring. It starts one week before the main day on the full moon. Full moon is "Purnima" in Nelali and this festival is called Fagu Purnima Festival too. Fagu is the eleventh month in Nepali calendar. Holi is official holiday and offices are closed. People get together with their family and friends, relatives to smear their faces with colored powder, sometimes painted from head to toe.
Nepali color festival


Japanese Valentin day


One month after Valentine's Day is White Day
Tomorrow March 14th is called "white day" here in Japan. Actually people celebrate this day same way in Korea and China, Taiwan.
Men who received something in Valentine's Day will give something back to girls. Something to be received in Valentine's Day is commonly fancy chocolate in Japan and something to be received in White Day is fancy candies and cookies, something sweet. Japanese Valentine's and White Day is commercialized by confection industry.(Of course people show their special affection too)
Those days are supposed to be days for couples originally but they have another aspect.


Girl's Day in Japan(Hina matsuri) ひな祭り

Today I visited a museum to see exhibition of ancient dolls "Hina-ningyo" collected by Mitsui-group that is one of the biggest company group in Japan.
March 3 is Doll's Day and families celebrate praying for the growth and happiness of their girls. So people call this holiday Girl's day also.

History of this festival starts back to ancient era like the 17th century. People believed their sins could be transferred to dolls and they started the practice of setting dolls with their sins afloat on a small boat and sending down a river to the sea. In modern times, we don't do it. 

Families generally start to display ceramic dolls dressed in the ancient imperial court from the middle of Feb.

The dolls called "Hina-ningyo" are commonly bought by grand-parents when a baby girl is born. Hina means small and lovely object, Ningyo means doll. So people call this festival "Hina-matsuri" too. Matsuri is the Japanese word for festival.

Hina-ningyo has many kinds of style in the display. A full one consists of seven-tiers, with 15 dolls.  The top tier holds two dolls, known as a imperial couple. Other dolls are their attendants.

BTW, there is a superstition says that the daughter misses her chance of marriage if you leave the dolls past March 4. Actually my mother always left them more than one month later than March 4…..




