
Hospitals in Kathmandu


Traveler's Diarrhea and Cold room in a hospital....
Unfortunately I got Traveler's Diarrhea when I visited Nepal for the second time. I drunk some amount of tap-water directly by mistake. Originally I have a sensitive stomach and a problem with my stomach often. So I am used to it but  this time I suffered from it every thirty mins for two days that made me totally nervous. I asked San to take me to a hospital. He took me Green City Hospital in his neighbor. The place I was taken to was an emergency room because it was still 6 am. There were about ten beds and it was cold like outside... It was in the end of Feb. Maybe some windows are opened....

One young doctor told me to lay down on a bed and checked my stomach from outside. I explained my problem and he told me to pick some stool up in a small container for examination.It was so small small container that I could not do it easily... but I managed to do it!
Btw it was surprisingly they didn't have toilet paper in the toilet although they are a big hospital....

Another doctor appeared after a while and he seemed to be a superior. He directed the younger doctor to give me an IV drop.
Btw they spoke English very well.
The examination result was traveler's diarrhea. I paid about 3,000NRP for doctor bill and medicines.
One thing, when he inserted the needle into my arm, he didn't swab my skin with alcohol. I felt anxious with it but learned alcohol swabbing prior to injections is not necessary always indeed. Even there are some normal germ on your skin, it doesn't make big problem as long as the needles are hygienic.

Big pills
They gave me pills which were more colorful and bigger than Japanese ones.
They are like this.

Grand International Hospital
I took the medicines after I got back to San's house and every-hour-diarrhea didn't stop all the day. Then San's sister Pu told me to go to another better hospital. That was Grand International Hospital.
This is relatively new, established in 2010. And rooms are very clean and warm. I paid 2,500NRP at the accounting section before I saw a doctor. And I paid medicine bills after I saw a doctor who spoke English very well again.
I showed the test result in the previous hospital to him. He told me to take more and more fluid and not eat fruits otherwise diarrhea lasts. Fruits have a lot of fibers which are hard to digest. He advised me not take antimalarial pills unless bacteria stays in my stomach.

 If you get sick while you are traveling in Kathmandu, I recommend you to go Grand International Hotel!
アンラッキーなとにネパールに2回目に行ったとき、旅行者下痢になりました。間違って水道の水を直接飲んでしまい。もともと胃が弱く、よくおなか壊してます。なのでなれてるのですが、  This time I suffered from it every thirty mins for two days that made me nervous. I asked San to take me to a hospital early morning. 今回は30分ごとに下痢が続くこと二日で、すっかり弱気に。サンに頼んで病院に連れて行ってもらいました。サンは近所の Green City Hospital に連れて行ってくれました。 ああの六時だったので、ERです。いくつかベッドがあり、外のように寒かった・・それは2月の終わりで気温は10度いかだったんじゃないかと。。窓が開いていたかも。



Grand International Hospital
サンの家に戻って薬を飲んだが、1時間毎の下痢は1日中止まらない。サンのお姉さんプンにより、別の病院に行けということになりました。それが Grand International Hospital.

カトマンズでぐわいが悪くなったら、Grand International Hotelをお薦めします!