
Girl's Day in Japan(Hina matsuri) ひな祭り

Today I visited a museum to see exhibition of ancient dolls "Hina-ningyo" collected by Mitsui-group that is one of the biggest company group in Japan.
March 3 is Doll's Day and families celebrate praying for the growth and happiness of their girls. So people call this holiday Girl's day also.

History of this festival starts back to ancient era like the 17th century. People believed their sins could be transferred to dolls and they started the practice of setting dolls with their sins afloat on a small boat and sending down a river to the sea. In modern times, we don't do it. 

Families generally start to display ceramic dolls dressed in the ancient imperial court from the middle of Feb.

The dolls called "Hina-ningyo" are commonly bought by grand-parents when a baby girl is born. Hina means small and lovely object, Ningyo means doll. So people call this festival "Hina-matsuri" too. Matsuri is the Japanese word for festival.

Hina-ningyo has many kinds of style in the display. A full one consists of seven-tiers, with 15 dolls.  The top tier holds two dolls, known as a imperial couple. Other dolls are their attendants.

BTW, there is a superstition says that the daughter misses her chance of marriage if you leave the dolls past March 4. Actually my mother always left them more than one month later than March 4…..




