Showing posts with label FOODs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FOODs. Show all posts


Sushi restaurant


luxury food, Sushi
As you may know, Sushi is one of the representative Japanese food.
It is one of the traditional food. Since the Edo period, Japanese people have been enjoying eating it.
Sushi is kind of expensive and fancy food. If I have sushi at a "real" sushi restaurant, I would say "I treated myself for fancy dinner tonight".

But they say that Sushi used to be a fast food like Macdonald's back to the Edo period. They used to be sold in street stall.
Sushi grew cheaper and entertaining 
We have Kaiten Sushi restaurants while we have expensive fancy Sushi restaurants where the plates with the sushi are placed on a rotating conveyor belt.

At fancy Sushi restaurant, we sit at counter seat in front of Sushi chefs and order and a chef serves.
a Sushi chef

But we see chefs over a conveyor belt , even we can't see them at Kaiten Sushi restaurants. And Sushi will be conveyed on the rotating belt. We need to pick up Sushi we want to eat by myself. Sushi at Kaiten Shushi places are made by special machines, not human chef mostly. Kaiten Sushi places are kind of a fast food shop.

The first Kaiten Sushi restaurant was opened around 1960. When I just wanted to eat "Sushi like", I visited Kaiten Sushi places some times. Because they were less tasty than ones at fancy Sushi but much cheaper.

Sushi covered go around in a restaurant
However I realized recent Kaiten Sushi places are very entertaining too! Lately I visited a Kaiten place for the first time in the past 10 year to learn it.

We see no chefs there and can order what we want from the spacial device equipped with each tables, other than Sushis coming up on the rotating conveyor belt.

Desert plates are conveyed around as well.  It is fan to see them sliding forward on the belt.

Your orders are conveyed on another belt in front of you.


Nepali "Oyatsu"(snack) foods


Nepali local snacks are yummy and healthy.
Since Nepal is a multiracial and multicultural country and additionally has three neighboring-countries, it represents the broader diversity of food too.But you can find common ingredients in Nepalese foods like lentils and potatoes, cumin, coriander, chilies, peppers, garlic
You can enjoy foods influenced by Tibet and India, Newal and others even you are just in Nepal.I make a list of foods I have tried here.
Ah Curries and Momo are absolute foods. You can see them here. 

It is like Japanese Ramen containing bits of meat and vegetables. Noodles are thick. This roots in Tibet and influenced by China.


Nepali Amazing Sweets



When we stopped by one cafe on our way to my friend's house from thamel, I discovered one new taste for me. It is this, called "Mithai" in Nepali. Actually there are countless names for it but "mithai" is the most common.


Curry! Curry! Curry!


"Curry" is just one category of dishes?
We Japanese sometimes joke about meals in India like, " their meals must be always curries". Actually we don't expect that they really eat always curries while saying it. Because if it so they must be tired with them.

But the answer is.... Yes they mostly have curries for their meals! Ah.. this is about Nepal, not India. But I believe they have similar customs.... And somehow you don't get tired with meals of curries even if breakfast and lunch, dinner are curries.

Because curries vary more in their kinds and tastes than you think.
When I visited my friend San's mother, she cooked curries for me.


Spring in Japan


Official announcement of Sakura's blooming
Spring is arriving in Japan.
Today the Weather Ministry made an official announcement that the cherry trees are in bloom in Fukuoka and Nagoya today. Actually I found on tree in full bloom last week in Tokyo. But they haven't announced it for Tokyo.

Sakura Toyokawa Temple
I found this Sakura in the night
That is why there are some kinds of Sakura trees and when to bloom depends on them. For instance, Kawazu-sakura blooms in the middle of February but the most bloom from the middle of March to the middle of April.


Fun in Mi's shop


Mi’s shop in Dhapasi 
I like looking around in local grocery stores when I travel abroad and I could experience a real Nepali local shop! San’s anti, Mi is running a grocery store where I got yummy Nepali snacks that I introduced here before.


Japanese nice snacks


Today I want to introduce Japanese snacks. Japanese snacks are great as much as Nepli!
From the left....Calpis Gumi Drops, Umaibo, Koala's martch, Caplico. On the top is Look A la mode.
左からカルピスグミ、うまい棒、コアラのマーチ、カプリコ、Look A la modeです。
Japanese snacks
Calpis Gum Drops
This is gum drops flavored with “Calpis”.


Unique tastes in Nepal


You can find foods of complicated tastes in Nepal.
Today I introduce three snacks here.
This is JEERA COOKIES. Cookie is supposed to be sweet, right? But this cookie is sweet and spicy at the same time !
Because it is flavored with jeera. Jeera is always associated with curry to me and it felt weird for the first time when I tried it but I could not stop eating it after I tired two.
クッキーは普通甘いと思いますよね。でも、これは甘くてスパイシー! クミンが使われてるから。クミンは、わたしの中ではカレーと結びついてるので、初めて食べたときは変な感じがしましたが、二つ食べたらもう止まりませんでした。


Amazing Nepali sweets


Discovery of new tastes
I discovered new taste in Nepal. After I came back to work, I shared them with my colleagues.
One of them fell love in with them and asked me to ask San to send a plenty of them. And they arrived today!
I sheared this with my colleagues. :) Everyone appearanlty enjoyed eating this.
San told me that is from India. When I tasted this for the first time, I was thrilled actually. The taste and texture is amazing.
Nepali Sweets ネパールのお菓子 
Its main ingredients are


Delicious foods and buffalo

Nepali curries and green peppers
I love spicy food and often eat Indian and Thai food. I have them twice a week at least.
I looked forward to tasting real Nepali curries!

But…Nepali curries pretty spicy and hot to me. First time I tasted a local curry, tears came out from my eyes. San was eating it sometimes tasting green peppers….

San told me that Nepali curries are not hotter than Indian and Sri Lankan ones.

Anyway I enjoyed fully many curries because my San's sister, Pun kindly changed her recipes and cooked curries which were less spicy than regular ones.  And always I visit there, she cook many dishes for me.

She is a great chef and doesn't have any dishes that she is not able to cook !

Nepal is suffering from outage so often and people don't have microwaves in their house. I have never seen any processed meals like in the US.  Meals are hand cooked. That is why every meals are so delicious and feel healthy.

Nepali MOMOs are stuffed with Baffalo
This is "momo" which is a traditional dumpling. Originally this is from Tibet.
Pun cooked them for me!
"momos" are filled with vegetables or buffalo meat. Nepali people basically don't eat beef,  instead they eat buffalo a meat.  Nepali people consider cows holly animals because they produce milk. 

Slaughtering of cows and bulls is completely banned.I remember…. There are wild cows walking on the streets…. 

I asked San whether he had never had beef in his life. His answer is … indeed he has never eaten beef;Actually buffalo's Japanese name is "water-cow" . Yes, they are one kind of cattles to me.





