
Fun in Mi's shop


Mi’s shop in Dhapasi 
I like looking around in local grocery stores when I travel abroad and I could experience a real Nepali local shop! San’s anti, Mi is running a grocery store where I got yummy Nepali snacks that I introduced here before.

It is located in dhapasi of the Kathmandu valley. Her shop name is “WELCOME COME TO GENERAL STORE”.
You can see take a look into her shop here.

The shop is filled with many kinds of Nepalese snacks and cosmetic products, liquors and drinks. It is fun for me to look around there,  like an overturned toy box .

All amazing Nepali snacks that I mentioned are from her shop.

No convenience stores
I have never seen convenience stores in Kathmandu but Mi's shop is more than it. Because Mi is a talkative cheerful, kind lady and customers are supposed to spend their time with chatting. There must be such places in provincial areas of Japan still but chain stores are taking their places and small retailers are decreasing in their numbers.

Convenience stores are indeed convenient when we need to buy something in rush. But we hardly communicate with shop clerks, it is very business-like.
If we have a shop like Mi's one in our neighborhood, we may go often there to chat before shopping.It must be nice.

Actually I am asking her to display Japanese snacks from me in her shop. Japanese snacks I showed before would draw Nepalese people attentions.

わたしは海外にいくと現地のお店に行くのが好きです。ネパールでは本当のローカルのお店にいけました。サンのおばさん、ミはお店を経営していて、あの美味しいネパールフードもこのお店から入手。お店は カトマンズのDhapasi という郊外にあります。 お店の名前は「WELCOME COME TO GENERAL STORE」中は↑こんなかんじ。
今のところカトマンズでコンビニは見かけたことがないですが、ミのお店はコンビニ以上かと。 商品が沢山あるのもそうですが、ミはおしゃべりでとても陽気で親切なので、お店でおしゃべりしたりして楽しいはず。日本も地方に行けばこういうお店はまだあるかもしれないけど、チェーン店に飲まれていってる。

