
Japanese Valentin day


One month after Valentine's Day is White Day
Tomorrow March 14th is called "white day" here in Japan. Actually people celebrate this day same way in Korea and China, Taiwan.
Men who received something in Valentine's Day will give something back to girls. Something to be received in Valentine's Day is commonly fancy chocolate in Japan and something to be received in White Day is fancy candies and cookies, something sweet. Japanese Valentine's and White Day is commercialized by confection industry.(Of course people show their special affection too)
Those days are supposed to be days for couples originally but they have another aspect.

Perfunctory in the office
It is a kind of obligation in the office. We girls need to give chocolates to bosses and male colleagues.Bosses expect to receive them from their female staff. That kind of chocolates are called "Giri-Choko". Giri means obligation. Choko means chocolate as you notice.
Recently even from women to women, they give chocolates each other.

Today I met one of my close friends over lunch. And she was complaining about tomorrow. Because she must buy something which goes to her female associates. She received "Giri-choko" from them on Feb 14th and she needs to buy fancy sweets to give back to them tomorrow.
She didn't want anything on Valentine's day actually because she doesn't want to be bothered by such a perfunctory custom.She went to a department store to get something after she finished lunch.

Tomorrow I will receive something from my bosses. Actually I don't need them....
in Nepal
I asked San about Valentine's Day in Nepal to learn that is same as in western countries. Men show their affection to women who they like much with giving roses or special gifts over fancy dinner. I want that Valentine's Day here too.....