
Wedding parties in Nepal


During staying in Pokhara where 200 km away from Kathmandu and the second biggest city in Nepal, I saw two weeding parties.
Nepalese weddings are much different from what we are used to in Japan.
Wedding Parties 披露宴 結婚式 Nepal
Wedding parties are held even on weekdays!
Parties are held sometimes in open and the places look more
likely weeding parties are held. Entrances are decorated with glittering items so even me I noticed. Guests in nice dresses entered, it was still at 3pm. I was wondering if the guests left their offices much earlier ?
披露宴会場はオープンエアで行われ、いかにもという感じで分かりやすい。玄関はキラキラした飾り付けがされていて、わたしでさえ分かりました。 オシャレをした招待客たちが入っていっていましたが、その時まだ3時。うーむ、みなさん仕事早引け??
Huge number of guests!
It is common for Nepalese couples to have more than 200 guests….. It is a huge number comparing to Japanese wedding parties. If you have 100 guests in your wedding party, the party is relatively bigger(I would say). It is possible that they have more than 500 guests!!
ネパールのカップルにとって200人以上の招待客ってのは一般的だそうです。日本の結婚式に比べると、相当な数です。日本は100人もいれば、比較的大きなパーティってことになる(とおもってるけど) 500人以上の招待客もアリらしい!
Wedding parties are dancing parties!
Everyone is supposed to dance. And the music for dancing is not classical style but quite an upbeat tune.There are a huge number of guests dance!
Indeed Nepalese people love dancing so much that they dance when they celebrate some festivals.
