
Curry! Curry! Curry!


"Curry" is just one category of dishes?
We Japanese sometimes joke about meals in India like, " their meals must be always curries". Actually we don't expect that they really eat always curries while saying it. Because if it so they must be tired with them.

But the answer is.... Yes they mostly have curries for their meals! Ah.. this is about Nepal, not India. But I believe they have similar customs.... And somehow you don't get tired with meals of curries even if breakfast and lunch, dinner are curries.

Because curries vary more in their kinds and tastes than you think.
When I visited my friend San's mother, she cooked curries for me.

Broccoli curry and Spinach curry, Chicken gizzard curry. All of them differ in their taste. And yummy of course!

Another day Pun, San's sister cooked Potato curry for me. I remember I smell garlic very much and again yummy!!

Nice presentation of salad

And other time...this is Buffalo curry and Broccoli curry Pun cooked again.

That is these curries are each individual dishes, I think. Spices and ingredients used in curries differ from each.
Nice presentation of mum's salad
btw, this is a salad which San's mother cooked for me. The presentation is pretty and unique. :)

でも、その心は、、、そうなのです!本当にほとんどの食事がカレーなんです!と言っても、ネパールの話で、インドの話ではないですが。でもインドも似てる文化だと思います。 そして、なぜか、三食カレーでも、不思議と飽きないんです。

カレーの種類や味は、想像以上にバラエティに富んでいるので。 友達のサンのお母様を訪問したとき、カレーを作ってくれました。ブロッコリーカレー、ほうれん草カレー、砂肝カレー。全部味が違いました。そしてもちろん、美味しかった!

またある日、サンのお姉さんのプンがジャガイモのカレーを作ってくれました。ガーリックが香り、これもまたうまかった! !


