
Nepal and Japan to me

I visited Kathmandu in Nepal for the first time last October after the quake disaster to meet San and Nepal.

I have been practicing English very hard to speak it at work since three years ago. One of my practicing English, I made pen pals outside of Japan. He was one of them.

We built our friendship by skype and chat for one year. I got interested in him and Nepal and decided to go over there.
I have some friends who visited Nepal. Everyone says that Nepal is amazing.  Their suggestions made me interested in the country, perhaps.

And Nepal really amazed me.

The noise and bustle of Kathmandu overwhelmed me first. And religious and friendly people attracted me.
I want to write down about Nepal, and Japan where I am born and raised in. 

Both have a lot of wonders…

あの大地震の被害の後、Sanに会いに、 去年の10月わたしは初めてカトマンズを訪れました。


