
Nepali Amazing Sweets



When we stopped by one cafe on our way to my friend's house from thamel, I discovered one new taste for me. It is this, called "Mithai" in Nepali. Actually there are countless names for it but "mithai" is the most common.

Please find out more about its history or so here : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Asian_sweets.

It tastes sweet like condensed milk, but more complex. I haven't found out the ingridents of it and I will ask Pun to teach me how to cook it next time I visit Nepal!
You see only white ones in my pics but they have ones in more colors too but I haven't seen colored ones.
Only white one attracted my attention and I could not see others. I asked San about main ingredients to learn the most simple one contains only milk and sweet, water. It is amazing! The taste is more sophisticated.
The view of them in the glass cases are like Japanese traditional confections, called Wagashi.

Mithaiタメルから友達のサンの家に戻る途中で、新しい味を発見しました。その名前はネパール語でMithai。どうやら実際は非常に多くの呼び方があるようですが、一番 メジャーなのがMithaiという呼び名です。

味はコンデンスミルク見たく甘いですが、もっと複雑です。まだその材料は調べてれていませんが、次回ネパール訪問時、サンのお姉さんのプンに 作り方講座をお願いするつもりです!
メインの原料についてサンに聞いたところでは、ミルク、砂糖、水だけ。すごーい!味はあんなに洗練されてるのに。 ガラスケースに入った姿は、日本の和菓子屋さんみたいです。