Showing posts with label NEPAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NEPAL. Show all posts


Prince Harry visited Nepal

ヘンリー王子 ネパールに行く

Prince Harry made his first official visit in Nepal the week before last. That is expected to catch people's attentions to Nepal and promt to rebuild.

He seems to be very friendly.
He joined locals for dinner and dance, Holi(the color festival). Even he stayed over in a local family when he visited Leorani village.



Khata Tibetan Scarves in Nepal

チベットのスカーフ カタ

a gift for the trip
The day I left Nepal, one of my Nepali friend Ni gave me this scarf.
This is not just a scarf but "Khata" which is one of the ceremonial items. It originated in Tibetan Buddhism.

When Ni gave it to me, she told me that this was for my safe trip and draped around my neck. And this scarf is not for all of my journeys but only for the trip back to Japan. It sounds very spiritual!


The Swayambhunath and one temple, monkeys


Dogs are everywhere
One of the most memorable things that happened in Nepal is.. seeing many dogs and monkeys.

You see street dogs waking and sleeping everywhere specially in Kathmandu. Dogs are believed to be messengers of Lord Yamaraj. Even there is a festival day celebrated the worship of dogs.
Really they are everywhere and I am afraid that one day I would step on them...
Monkeys monkey around
And monkey.Actually where I saw them was only two places in Nepal. One is in the Swayambhunath which is called "Monkey Temple" and another is a small temple which is located at the bottom of the hill where The Swayambhunath is located.
You may know the Swayambhunath is famous with its monkeys living there( there are dogs too but dogs are everywhere in Kathmandu).

But really the most unforgettable scene of monkeys to me was seen in the small temple. I saw one monkey snaked up on a bag of a monk while he left it for mins and looked into it to steal something from it!


Nepali Amazing Sweets



When we stopped by one cafe on our way to my friend's house from thamel, I discovered one new taste for me. It is this, called "Mithai" in Nepali. Actually there are countless names for it but "mithai" is the most common.


Orange Flower



You will see this marigold flowers so often in Nepal. This is called sayepatri in Nepal. Offering flowers to gods and goodness is ssential to worship the deity. It is common in Japan.
Marigold is called sayepatri in Nepal. "Saye" means a hundred and "patri" means layers.




Bottles of water to share


It was really a wonder for me. On our home way from Thamel , San and I  dropped by a cafe which was not for tourists but for local people. That was a small cafe having four or five tables. There is a show case for white sweets near the entrance.
When I sat down, I found there were a bottle of water on each tables.

water bottles in Nepal  Cafe
you can see a bottle on the table over there and two in front 


Happy Holi!

Holi カラーフェスティバル

Spring festival in Nepal
It is Holi today in Nepal. Holi is known as festival of colors to celebrate arriving Spring. It starts one week before the main day on the full moon. Full moon is "Purnima" in Nelali and this festival is called Fagu Purnima Festival too. Fagu is the eleventh month in Nepali calendar. Holi is official holiday and offices are closed. People get together with their family and friends, relatives to smear their faces with colored powder, sometimes painted from head to toe.
Nepali color festival


Curry! Curry! Curry!


"Curry" is just one category of dishes?
We Japanese sometimes joke about meals in India like, " their meals must be always curries". Actually we don't expect that they really eat always curries while saying it. Because if it so they must be tired with them.

But the answer is.... Yes they mostly have curries for their meals! Ah.. this is about Nepal, not India. But I believe they have similar customs.... And somehow you don't get tired with meals of curries even if breakfast and lunch, dinner are curries.

Because curries vary more in their kinds and tastes than you think.
When I visited my friend San's mother, she cooked curries for me.


the Seto Machhendranath and the Swayambhunath vs Japanese shrines

スワヤンブナートとセト マチェンドラナート

Eyes on four sides of Swayambhunath 
Speaking of Nepali temples, this eyes painted on the four sides of the spire of stupa may be famous.This is the Swayambhunath in Kathmandu and the eyes are Buddha's eyes.
We also have Buddhist temples and shrines here in Japan but it is not common for them to have eyes. And the eyes are actually like cartoons and even they have eyebrows too. They look funny a bit.... But these Buddha's eyes mean a lot. Question-marks between each pairs of eyes is the Nepali character for the number 1. They lead us to one way to reach enlightenment or became awakened.
Anyway this style is pretty different from our temples and shrines.
Kathmandu temple


Hard workers in Nepal


In Nepal, I saw amazing scene of wonders sometimes. ネパールでは、ときどきびっくりする光景を見ました。
On heads
One day I walked by a construction site one day in San's house's neighborhood . Guys were trying filling a big hole with sands. They didn't use any electronic machines but they were carrying sands out on their heads. Indeed I have seen people carrying something on their head in pictures but it was the first time to see such way in real. It is amazing....
Construction sites workers

Anyway they wore special caps. I hope their caps protecting their heads.


Hospitals in Kathmandu


Traveler's Diarrhea and Cold room in a hospital....
Unfortunately I got Traveler's Diarrhea when I visited Nepal for the second time. I drunk some amount of tap-water directly by mistake. Originally I have a sensitive stomach and a problem with my stomach often. So I am used to it but  this time I suffered from it every thirty mins for two days that made me totally nervous. I asked San to take me to a hospital. He took me Green City Hospital in his neighbor. The place I was taken to was an emergency room because it was still 6 am. There were about ten beds and it was cold like outside... It was in the end of Feb. Maybe some windows are opened....

One young doctor told me to lay down on a bed and checked my stomach from outside. I explained my problem and he told me to pick some stool up in a small container for examination.It was so small small container that I could not do it easily... but I managed to do it!
Btw it was surprisingly they didn't have toilet paper in the toilet although they are a big hospital....


Fun in Mi's shop


Mi’s shop in Dhapasi 
I like looking around in local grocery stores when I travel abroad and I could experience a real Nepali local shop! San’s anti, Mi is running a grocery store where I got yummy Nepali snacks that I introduced here before.

How safe is it?


Japan may be very safe... but
I saw one "salary man" (it means office workers in Japanese) wearing an eye mask for sleeping in the commute train this morning.
Yes that man was sleeping on the seat.
I was so surprised that I could not take my eyes on his face.. A couple of mins later, he woke up and took off the mask down on his neck and started to look at his phone. After a while he took up the eye mask from his neck to put it into the eye mask bag and got off the train.
hmmm, Viva Japan! even he sleeps deeply with an eye mask like in bed putting his bag on his legs, nobody steals it. It is Japan.


Wedding parties in Nepal


During staying in Pokhara where 200 km away from Kathmandu and the second biggest city in Nepal, I saw two weeding parties.
Nepalese weddings are much different from what we are used to in Japan.
Wedding Parties 披露宴 結婚式 Nepal
Wedding parties are held even on weekdays!
Parties are held sometimes in open and the places look more


Dark but Bright !


Colors of Nepal in my mind are black and bright colors at the same time.
ネパールの色、は 私の中では 黒と明るい色たちです。
If you are out after dark and during power-outage, it is totally dark in Nepal. You can see nothing if you don't carry a torch light. You often have black-out in Nepal.
Unfortunately recently Nepal is becoming a land of black-out.
That is not because of the quake, people say. It is due to bad politics. This is a schedule for rotational load shedding. Total hours of black-out is sometimes more than 12 hours.


Unique tastes in Nepal


You can find foods of complicated tastes in Nepal.
Today I introduce three snacks here.
This is JEERA COOKIES. Cookie is supposed to be sweet, right? But this cookie is sweet and spicy at the same time !
Because it is flavored with jeera. Jeera is always associated with curry to me and it felt weird for the first time when I tried it but I could not stop eating it after I tired two.
クッキーは普通甘いと思いますよね。でも、これは甘くてスパイシー! クミンが使われてるから。クミンは、わたしの中ではカレーと結びついてるので、初めて食べたときは変な感じがしましたが、二つ食べたらもう止まりませんでした。


The earthquake

Coming March 11 is the Japan earthquake and tsunami fifth anniversary. I am watching a TV program details about the disaster now. Tokyo where I am living is far from the epicenter in Tohoku area but we felt the strong shaking in the office that day. I remember many things on the desks fell down and I saw the walls cracked.
In Tohoku, the tsunami followed the quake swallowed many buildings and cars, people and damaged the nuclear power plants. The tsunami was pretty huge and had reached the fourth floor. Tohoku area is still winter in March. Many survivors even were supposed to be killed by coldness.

this is just after the day
It may be


Kathmandu is dusty?


View of Kathmandu town
The view from the window of a taxi driving me to a hotel from the airport was many narrow alleys and dust rising from the ground when I arrived in Nepal for the first time.
That was back to Oct of 2015, less than six months after the quake.

I thought the dust was caused by the debris that the earthquake made. But people seem to suffer from the dust even before the quake…I guess it is because there are many road unpaved yet.

Amazing Nepali sweets


Discovery of new tastes
I discovered new taste in Nepal. After I came back to work, I shared them with my colleagues.
One of them fell love in with them and asked me to ask San to send a plenty of them. And they arrived today!
I sheared this with my colleagues. :) Everyone appearanlty enjoyed eating this.
San told me that is from India. When I tasted this for the first time, I was thrilled actually. The taste and texture is amazing.
Nepali Sweets ネパールのお菓子 
Its main ingredients are


Delicious foods and buffalo

Nepali curries and green peppers
I love spicy food and often eat Indian and Thai food. I have them twice a week at least.
I looked forward to tasting real Nepali curries!

But…Nepali curries pretty spicy and hot to me. First time I tasted a local curry, tears came out from my eyes. San was eating it sometimes tasting green peppers….

San told me that Nepali curries are not hotter than Indian and Sri Lankan ones.

Anyway I enjoyed fully many curries because my San's sister, Pun kindly changed her recipes and cooked curries which were less spicy than regular ones.  And always I visit there, she cook many dishes for me.

She is a great chef and doesn't have any dishes that she is not able to cook !

Nepal is suffering from outage so often and people don't have microwaves in their house. I have never seen any processed meals like in the US.  Meals are hand cooked. That is why every meals are so delicious and feel healthy.

Nepali MOMOs are stuffed with Baffalo
This is "momo" which is a traditional dumpling. Originally this is from Tibet.
Pun cooked them for me!
"momos" are filled with vegetables or buffalo meat. Nepali people basically don't eat beef,  instead they eat buffalo a meat.  Nepali people consider cows holly animals because they produce milk. 

Slaughtering of cows and bulls is completely banned.I remember…. There are wild cows walking on the streets…. 

I asked San whether he had never had beef in his life. His answer is … indeed he has never eaten beef;Actually buffalo's Japanese name is "water-cow" . Yes, they are one kind of cattles to me.





