
Strong earthquake hit Kumamoto in Kyushu of Japan

Just 40 mins ago, the strong quake hit Kumamoto prefecture. The magnitude was 6.5. Now again an alert of another strong shake has been just given.

More than ten houses were allegedly collapsed so far and rockfalls occurred. Fires are breaking out too.
A TV breaking news has been reporting about many times aftershocks afterward.

The focal depth is 10 km and it is sallow which is almost same as Hanshin-Awaji-earthquake in 1995.One of my friend who used to be there told me a piano in her room almost flew to the corner of her room at that time. It is horrible...

Now the Chief Cabinet Secretary is making an announcement about establishing the disaster management headquarter.They are collecting information on the quake now.

A news program is interviewing a guy on the phone about the situation in Kumamoto and he is saying that everything was fell down from higher places like a book shelf in his house. The quake didn't show any signs of beginning like weak shaking and suddenly sharked so strongly.

A lady is saying even refrigerator fell down on the floor and glasses of the windows were broken. Allegedly some people are trapped under debris.

Now again the alert of a strong earthquake has been issued on TV. This sound is so scary. I am watching the picture of TV shoot of the town.

I only pray that the damage would not become great.

I found the Disaster Management Manual in Japan.
This reminded me of my emergency backpack containing some foods and a bottle of water and so. I will check them.

 (a follow up)
Now one of aftershock has turned to be M6.3. It is so strong as a aftershock.

This was possibly another different quake. And the first quake last for a long time, like from 30 to 40 seconds. Any a nuclear power plants are damaged by this quake. The water pipes burst in some towns. Electronic power isn't supplied in some areas now.

It is a.m. 12:25 in the midnight. People would be anxious in the dark.
Now Japan meteorological agency is explaining about the quake. The shallow focus would make huge shakes.






ニュースが男性に電話越しにインタビューしていますが、部屋では高いところから全てが落ちてきたそうです。弱く揺れるといった地震 のサインもなく、突然強く揺れたそうです。別の人は冷蔵庫が倒れたと言っています。瓦礫の下敷きになっている人もいるようです。




