
The adorable destroyer in Kathmandu Durbar Square

The cute destroyer in the Durbar Square


Kala Bhairava
At the first sihgt, I didn't think it is a diety. Because it has somehow a humorous appearance. It has big eyes and big accessories, big stomach.
This is a Hindu deity, Kala Bhairava. Kala Bhairava is a fierce manifestation of Lord Shiva. Shiva is the third god in the Hindu triumvirate and the destroyer. The triumvirate consists of three gods(The other two are Brahma and Vishnu) who are responsible for the creation, maintain and destruction of the world. He is standing on the northern corner in the Durbar Square, Kathmandu
Kala Bhairava

Similar to Raijin and Fujin?
When I saw this, "Raijin" and "Fujin" came up in my mind. Rai means lightening and Fu means wind. Jin means Kami-sama, divine. People were afraid of lightnings and winds and they deified them in ancient time.
This is Raijin.

They are in Senso-ji in Tokyo, Asakusa.They are also humorous in their appearances.


This statue is kind of huge. The height is approximately ten-feet. People say it was sculpted in the 17th century. It is in an aggressive form with snake coiled around his neck and wearing a garland of human skulls on his head. But,, it is still kind of cute…
東京の浅草寺にいます。 カールバイラブ像は、結構おおきいです。10フィート、3メートルくらいで、17世紀につくられたそうです。蛇を首にぐるぐると巻きつけ、頭に人間の骸骨を飾っていて、攻撃的な感じです。でもなんかかわいい。