
No doctors in Nepali villages


April 25th will mark one-year-anniversary of Nepal

Today I attended the event held by NGO Japan Platform. That about the Nepal earthquake.
A professor of Sophia univ. made a keynote speech on Nepali situation after the quake.
She has been studied about Nepal.... kind of subculture... Her HP is here. Actually where I know about is just Kathmandu and Pokhara. Even I stayed in local houses with local people, my knowledge of Nepal is just about two cities. I don't know about villages.

Health Posts in village

Most of today's stories were new to me. Specially about the medical situation in villages was like in a fairy tale...

When villagers are sick, first they go to a shaman in their village. Of course, nothing recovers....
Then they walk to the health post where medically trained staff are assigned there. That may be like a nurse office in school?

Mostly the health post is located far away from houses. The health posts are governed and all medicine are for free. Therefore villagers inundate and all medicines are taken quickly just after they are delivered. Even staff sometimes is punched by villager who try to rob the medicines.

Too bad...

There are barely doctors in villages. Doctors prefer to working in bigger towns like Kathmandu and Pohkara.
Villages... What a tough situation.. people are facing...!!

This is about Health Post Construction. I hope Japanese NGO try harder on this !

今日、NGOのジャパンプラットフォームが主催するイベントに参加してきました。テーマはネパール。 上智大学の教授が基調講演をしました。長年、ネパールを研究してます。マニアック・・・。 こちら. がHP。

正直、わたしが知っているネパールはカトマンズとポカラだけです。地元の人たちのおうちに止めてもらってますが、わたしの 知識はこの2つの都市だけです。村のことは知りません。

村人は具合が悪いとき、まずは村のシャーマン(祈祷師)のところに行きます。もちろん、 良くならない・・・。

ヘルスポストは政府が管理していて、薬は無料。それがために、薬の配給があると村人が押し寄せて 全部なくなっちゃう。スタッフは強奪しようとする村人から殴られることもある。


村にはお医者さんはいません。お医者さんはカトマンズやポカラなど大きい街で働きたがるそうで。 村・・・大変!!
