Showing posts with label NEPAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NEPAL. Show all posts


Golden Temple in Nepal(Patan) and Japan(Kyoto)

"Golden temple" Kwa Bahal 
Kwa Bahal which is so called "Golden Temple". We also have "Golden Temple". Both are beautiful in Japan. Japanese one is called "Kinkaku-ji". It is situated in Kyoto which is one of the most popular places to visit among travelers.

Golden temple in Patan

Kinkaku Temple in Japan
Guarding inner shrine 
 I liked a pairs of these statues in both sides at the entrance They are like Komainu in Japanese shrines maybe. But another statues are sitting on their heads. Japanese Komainu doesn't have anyone on their heads, sitting on elephants. My picture doesn't cover entire elephants....
I didnt notice someone working inside when I took this picutre....



Rato Machhendranath  praying for rain

Rato Machhendranath雨乞いのお祭り

Festival in Patan
Now people are celebrating Rato Machhendranath festival in Patan. The month-long festival begins with the construction of the chariot begins on the 4th day of the two-week of Bachhala which is the seventh month in the lunar Nepal Sambat calendar. The construction takes place in April.

However first time I saw the festival was back to last October. Since the devastating earthquake damaged the chariot , it was delayed.
chariot 山車 Rato Machhendranath i
When I happened to see it, first something very tall appeared in the dark when I walked in Patan after I had dinner out. It was like a tower in the middle of the narrow allay. People surrounding around the tower, I assumed it as a march by protesters lol.

The chariot procession known as Bunga Dyah Jatra or Rato Machhindranath Jatra is the most important event. It is celebrated by Buddhists and Hindus of Newar community by carrying the chariot.

Btw they have a similar festival, rather than, I am confused , Seto Machhendranath Rath in Kathmandu. The chariot is much larger.

Rato Machhendranath is known as the god of rain. Before they will have rainy season in June, they worship the god praying for rain and prosperity.

Actually I asked my friend in Nepal pictures of the festival but he told me that he didn't go see it because it rained yesterday. Wow The worship already has worked !

Today he went to Darbar Square in Patan to learn the huge crowd joining the festival. He took pics of them but I haven't given and I will receive them tomorrow. I will upload them then.
今、ネパールはRato Machhendranath祭の真っ最中です。チャリオット(山車)を作るところから始まるこの1箇月のお祭りは、ネパールカレンダー(太陰暦)の7箇月目にあたるBachhala の2週の4日目から開始です。製作は4月になります。

チャリオットパレードは、 Bunga Dyah Jatra または Rato Machhindranath Jatraと呼ばれ、メインイベントです。仏教と先住民族ネワール族のヒンズー教両方がチャリオットを引いてお祝いします。

ちなみに似た、というかわたしが混乱したお祭りにカトマンズでお祝いされるSeto Machhendranathがあります。こっちの方がチャリオットがもっと大きいそうです。

Rato Machhendranath は雨の神様です。6月に来る雨季の前に雨と繁栄をおお祈りするんですね。


the only Zoo in Nepal


I went to the zoo located at Jawlakhel of Lalitpur Patan district last year. It was fun to walk around a zoo outside of Japan.  And this is the only zoo in Nepal !

This is the HP.

Actually it is a simply zoo. But you will see 700 animals of 108 different species.

First this is a map.
zoo nepal kathmandu 動物園 カトマンズ ネパール

Signs are in English and Nepalese.
Nepal Kathmandu Zoo ネパール 動物園 カトマンズ

Rhinoceros....filled with melancholy 
Nepal Kathmandu Zoo ネパール 動物園 カトマンズ
サイ 哀愁漂ってます

Hippopotamus....seems to be fine 
Nepal Kathmandu Zoo ネパール 動物園 カトマンズ
カバ ご機嫌

 I saw monkeys and deer, a tiger... and this beautiful garden. I didn't figure out why this garden is situated in the zoo...
Nepal Kathmandu Zoo ネパール 動物園 カトマンズ

this is the place.


I boast this Nepali Embroidery shawl


Hand Embroidery is incredible!
I want to boast this shawl. I got this in Thamel in Kathmandu, cashmere with silk woven.

カシミア シルク ネパール スカーフ


How to celebrate Mother's Day


in Japan
Today is Baisakh 26th in 2073 in Nepali calendar.

In most countries Mother's day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May, including Japan.

People celebrate motherhood giving red carnations commonly in Japan.

This tradition is like the United State according to some articles. This is based on the beginning of Mother's day in the United State.

And in Japan it is also common that kids 's drawings of moms are tacked on the walls in kindergartens or primary schools. The pictures they made show their loves to moms.
It is kind of ritual in Nepal
In Nepal Mother's day falls on the Nepali month of Baisakh. This year, it was celebrated on May 6.
It is also known as Mata Tirtha Ausi which is a tradition rather than a festival. People visit Mata Tirtha in Kathmandu, to perform Sraddha or Pind Daan generally. Although they are Hindu rituals performed to pay homage to their ancestors, specially parents post death, there are more than 60 ethnic groups in Nepal and they have their own ways to celebrate Mother's day. My friend,

San, told me he called his mother giving his love and respect to her.

It is always the best way to express my love for mothers in any nations.

今日はネパールのカレンダーで言うと2073年の Baisakh月です。



ネパールというと、Baisakhに母の日はあります。今年は5月6日でした。Mata Tirtha Ausi といってお祭りというより儀式です。

カトマンズのMata Tirtha という場所に行って、 Sraddha または Pind Daan を行います。これらはヒンズー儀式で、祖先、とくに両親がな亡くなっている場合は、そのあとに敬意を表すために行われるものですが、




No Way! Nepalese Government

だめだめな ネパール政府

100,000 victims remain homeless.
Nepal marked the first anniversary of its tragic disaster on April 25th.There are about 100,000 victims left homeless.
With such difficulties, Kathmandu held some events for the quake. People prayed for Kumamoto, even.
I believe what delays recovery from the quake in Nepal is government.
ネパール 地震 Nepal earthquake event


When to visit Nepal?


Nepal Trek ネパール トレッキング
Nepal = Himalaya
the Rainy season in Nepal
We have the rainy season in June and July in Japan. The rain is not heavy usually in the rainy season but it rains just often and generally drizzle. In Nepal they also have the rainy season. It last from June to September usually.


No doctors in Nepali villages


April 25th will mark one-year-anniversary of Nepal

Today I attended the event held by NGO Japan Platform. That about the Nepal earthquake.
A professor of Sophia univ. made a keynote speech on Nepali situation after the quake.
She has been studied about Nepal.... kind of subculture... Her HP is here. Actually where I know about is just Kathmandu and Pokhara. Even I stayed in local houses with local people, my knowledge of Nepal is just about two cities. I don't know about villages.

Health Posts in village

Most of today's stories were new to me. Specially about the medical situation in villages was like in a fairy tale...

When villagers are sick, first they go to a shaman in their village. Of course, nothing recovers....
Then they walk to the health post where medically trained staff are assigned there. That may be like a nurse office in school?


Worshipping dogs in Nepal

ネパール 犬を祭ります

As I wrote, Nepal is a country of dogs kind of. Even they have the festival for dogs. That is Tihar which is one the most celebrated festival in Nepal. It is a five-day-Hindu festival in November.

Tihar nepal festival

Cats and Dogs


Cats in Japan
I don't know whether taking this word to express the phenomenon is right or not but I will say...

Now keeping cats is a record-breaking hit ever in Japan. As you know, cats are living creatures so I don't like to treat them as objects and say "booming".

But the surveys show number of pet cats has been increasing in the past years.
That was not our reason but we owns two cats.
Dogs in Nepal
On the other hand, Nepal is a country of dogs.
dogs in temples Nepal
sleeping dogs in a temple


Pigeons in Kathmandu’s Durbar Square


I want to write about Kathmandu’s Durbar Square today. And before it, first I should learn about Kathmandu.

Kathmandu is located in the northwestern part of the Kathmandu Valley whose size is almost same as the Kofu valley in Japan. Five mountains surround this valley and the average elevation is 1,400 meters above sea level. The valley is bounded by Patan, Lalitpur & Bhaktapur. Patan is a beautiful city which deserve to visit!


Nepali women outfits


Girls' cloths
I asked my Nepali girl friend Pun is a professional dress maker. Thease are her works.

Nepali girls outfits
Pun's works... beautiful
Accutally I had no idea about women's dresses in Nepal before I visited Nepal for the first time. Now after I have been there twice, what I think about Nepali young gilrs' wearing style is that there are not big differences between each other.

When I met my Nepali friend's mum, she was wearing a traditional dress. it have may be a sarry. She told me that she had joined a wedding party before we met so that may be a formal dress.

One thing I noticed was... her stomach was out.
Since commonly we Japanese elder women don't wear skimpy dresses, I was surprised to see it a bit. But it was nice and I liked it. It looked beautiful on her.
Kurta Suruwal
Normal outfits of adult women wear are called Kurta Suruwal above. It is composed by a shirt and pants, the Nepali equivalent of the salweer kameez). Putting a scarf on neck is common.
I have never tried them but I want...! Next time I visit Nepal, defnately I will ask Pun to make Kurta Suruwals for me! My legs easily feel cold even summer so this is my style.

All of them are Pun's works. Awsome!

You can have a kuruta suruwal made to order. It takes only three days. Pun's shop is located in thamel, Kathmandu. If you like, let me know and let me connect you and her!

Kurta Suruwal
Pun's catalog of Kurta Suruwal. There are many bright colored dresses!



ネパールを訪問するまで、ネパールの女性の洋服のイメージって全然ありませんでした。 2回ネパールを訪れて、若い女性の服装について思うところは、あまり大きな違いはないということです。

女性のふだん着は、クルタスルワールと呼ばれます。シャツとズボン、ズボンとシャツの組み合わせを呼ぶネパールのsalweer kameezと同じ組み合わせです。ショールも掛けます。

3日くらいで作ってくれるそうです。あ、オーダーメードですね。カトマンズのタメル地区のはずれにお店があります。 興味のある方はお声がけください!つなぎますよ。


KathmanduTown in Tokyo


From Korea to Nepal
A few months ago I watched a TV program about Nepal in Tokyo. The show is Tamori Club. Tamori who is a toastmaster of this show visits Okubo area. Okubo area is a famous with its Korean town is located.

Almost ten years ago, Korean drama shows made a blockbuster hit in Japan and triggered the Korean entertainment industry to takeover Japanese one and Okubo area transformed an old unsafe area in Tokyo to a entertaining Korean town where Japanese girls and ladies flooded out of shops selling Korean stars items.

And now " KathmanduTown" has joined there. Tamori mentioned that there are more than 2,000 Nepali people are living in Okubo. Totally more than 36,000 Nepali live in Japan according to a survey last year.

I visited Okubo to check it. When I went out of Shin-Okubo station, I didn't see anything more likely Nepal. After I walk a few minutes, I found a drugstore that was supposed to be located near so called "Islam Street" .

When I watched the TV show, I got so excited and decided to visit there immediately. I expected quite a lot of Nepali things.


How to carry in Kathmandu


Before I mentioned Nepalease hard-workers carrying something put on their heads.

Hard workers in Nepal Other time, I saw people carrying something their own uniq ways in Kathmandu.
on the bus
First on the top of bus.
Hmmmmm a goat?? A guy is trying to carry a goat put on the top of bus.
Be careful please !


Nepal warm and adorable felt and woolen products

ネパールのあったかくてカワイイ ニットやフェルトたち

Sakura season is over
This morning I realized that Spring really has arrived, seeing Sakura paddles were falling down and greens of trees are getting bright. The color of greens are transitioning from light yellow green to bright green.
Yes, Sakura season is over. Now most cherry blosom trees are covered by more green color than light pink color. I don't need to wear thick socks in my room because my feet don't feel cold even in the evening any more. Normal socks are enough to keep me warm.

So I put these Nepali bright socks in my closet saying "thank you for keeping me warm". Is this great, isn't it? It looks like Missoni which is one of the high brand from Italy!!


Huge crowd in the festival "`Pahachare"


jai bhadra kali maa
If you visited Kathmandu, you were stuck in this crowd. People are celebrating the Pahachare festival.
This worships godess, Jai Bhadra Kali Maa. This is three-day-festival of the Newar community.
People invite their married daughters and sisters an friends home for a grand feast on the second and third days. The festival begins every year on the Chaitra Krishna Pakcha Chaturdashi which is second half of a lunar month. Chaitra Krishna Pakcha Chaturdash seems to be in Hindi Calendar.



On the top of buses


Indian blockade
Since India blockaded the boarder with Nepal in last September, Nepal have been facing shortage of fuel and medical supplies. Even after India stopped it and opened the trade routes, Nepali people have been suffering from shortage of fuel.

Nepalese constitutional changes which were done in last September triggered it.

Actually Indian government denied the fact. But I saw many many many motorbike's and taxis' lining up to gas. And my Nepali friends told me that they were complaining about the raising price of gas. Since Nepal doesn't have any oceans surrounding it, most supplies are from India. Most of snacks and foods I introduced in this blog are actually Indian products.
Isn't it Violation??
This picture shows they don't have enough buses bringing people. Passengers are sitting on the top of bus...
I don't know their long histories but don't figure out why India thinks that they are allowed to do it. Because they are two different sovereign countries. Each could never be violated. Even it was an unofficial blockade, it is never allowed, I think.



Nepali "Oyatsu"(snack) foods


Nepali local snacks are yummy and healthy.
Since Nepal is a multiracial and multicultural country and additionally has three neighboring-countries, it represents the broader diversity of food too.But you can find common ingredients in Nepalese foods like lentils and potatoes, cumin, coriander, chilies, peppers, garlic
You can enjoy foods influenced by Tibet and India, Newal and others even you are just in Nepal.I make a list of foods I have tried here.
Ah Curries and Momo are absolute foods. You can see them here. 

It is like Japanese Ramen containing bits of meat and vegetables. Noodles are thick. This roots in Tibet and influenced by China.


The adorable destroyer in Kathmandu Durbar Square

The cute destroyer in the Durbar Square


Kala Bhairava
At the first sihgt, I didn't think it is a diety. Because it has somehow a humorous appearance. It has big eyes and big accessories, big stomach.
This is a Hindu deity, Kala Bhairava. Kala Bhairava is a fierce manifestation of Lord Shiva. Shiva is the third god in the Hindu triumvirate and the destroyer. The triumvirate consists of three gods(The other two are Brahma and Vishnu) who are responsible for the creation, maintain and destruction of the world. He is standing on the northern corner in the Durbar Square, Kathmandu
Kala Bhairava


Design your own T shrits in Thamel


Custom-made-Embroidered T shirts
When I visited Thamel, I found one great thirsts shop. NEW POTALA
T shirts seems to be popular gifts from Nepal. Even the famous Japanese trip guidebook series "Chikyu no arukikata"(how to travel in the earth) on Nepal is mentioning t shirts as one of Nepali handcraft souvenirs.

In this shop you can order your custom patterned t shirt. This guy is the shop owner!
And I am so impressed with this sawing machine. it seems to be rather than vintage, not old.

This is completely customized-embroidered one. I ask him to use a single pink thread. This is for myself.

Another one went to my close friend Kazuko. I asked him to embroider the small figure of person suggesting her standing on the top of the mountain, and her name and the arrow to ready-made-embroidered one.

Your order will be ready in one day. I recommend you to get your unique souvenirs. Their prices are around 700 NRP just! nice price!

Under the TNT Cargo of Ward No.29. Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
New Potala





