
How to celebrate Mother's Day


in Japan
Today is Baisakh 26th in 2073 in Nepali calendar.

In most countries Mother's day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May, including Japan.

People celebrate motherhood giving red carnations commonly in Japan.

This tradition is like the United State according to some articles. This is based on the beginning of Mother's day in the United State.

And in Japan it is also common that kids 's drawings of moms are tacked on the walls in kindergartens or primary schools. The pictures they made show their loves to moms.
It is kind of ritual in Nepal
In Nepal Mother's day falls on the Nepali month of Baisakh. This year, it was celebrated on May 6.
It is also known as Mata Tirtha Ausi which is a tradition rather than a festival. People visit Mata Tirtha in Kathmandu, to perform Sraddha or Pind Daan generally. Although they are Hindu rituals performed to pay homage to their ancestors, specially parents post death, there are more than 60 ethnic groups in Nepal and they have their own ways to celebrate Mother's day. My friend,

San, told me he called his mother giving his love and respect to her.

It is always the best way to express my love for mothers in any nations.

今日はネパールのカレンダーで言うと2073年の Baisakh月です。



ネパールというと、Baisakhに母の日はあります。今年は5月6日でした。Mata Tirtha Ausi といってお祭りというより儀式です。

カトマンズのMata Tirtha という場所に行って、 Sraddha または Pind Daan を行います。これらはヒンズー儀式で、祖先、とくに両親がな亡くなっている場合は、そのあとに敬意を表すために行われるものですが、

