
English ability and Sightseeing in Japan ~ Visiting Yugawara

日本の観光と英語 湯河原編

Visit Yugawara
Today I visited Yugawara where one hour and thirty mins away from Tokyo. Yugawada is famous with its Onsens(Hot-springs).
湯河原 万葉公園 manyou park
manyou park(万葉公園)

Since my friend I did had no idea about Yugawara except Onsen, we checked it online on our ways in the trains. We found some shrines and waterfalls on the hills and decided to go there. Before we left Yugawara station where we got off the train, we dropped by the tourist information located next to the station.
When we got some leaflets there, I realized there was no leaflets in English.

The reason I noticed it, I learned about this hotel (THE RYOKAN TOKYO YUGAWARA)earlier. This hotel targets tourists out of Japan and try to appeal "very Japanese things" to them.
Although this kind of hotel is built here, no English advertisements are prepared. Hmm, It doesn't make sense.

Speaking of English, when I visited Nepal, my English was praised sometimes. People told me my English was good even I am a Japanese.
What does that mean....? Nepali people think there are barely Japanese to speak English. ....
Ability to speak English
Since I have never stayed in other countries for a long time, I don't know the truth but foreigner friends in Japan have complained me about Japanese the low ability to speak English. Then perhaps it is a kind of a truth unfortunately.

And today, I never saw English words in Yugawara which is one of sightseeing spots accessible from Tokyo where most tourists visit in Japan. Hmm.

Refreshing scenery
Anyway if you visit Yugawara, these lush greenery scenery and beautiful water falls please your eyes and refresh your weary minds.
yugawara waterfall 湯河原 滝 川 overwhelming

Gosho shrine
This shrine is about 10 mins walk from the station. You can take a bus there too.
What to see in the site is this huge camphor tree. This tree is about 850 years old! It is incredible! The height is 36m and the width is 8.2m.
gosho shrine 五所神社 楠 850年  overwhelming huge tree
a overwhelming camphor tree at Gosho shrine

This ginkgo tree is also 850 years old. This can't stand on by itself and lean on poles.
 a ginkgo tree at age of  850

nature trees yugawara
breathtaking nature


こういうホテルがあるのに、英語の宣伝がない・・ ちょっと意味不明だなあ。

それってどういう意味・・・? ネパールの人たちはどうも、めったに英語が話せる日本人が居ないと思っているんです。

ここで見るべきは、この楠。樹齢 850 ! 高さは 36m、胴が 8.2m. 迫力~!

This ginkgo tree is also at age of 850. It grew too big that it can't stand on by itself and lean on poles.