
"Golden Week" in Japan. Avoid to visit or not?


Golden week
Days from the end of April to the first week of May is called "Golden Week" in Japanese.The reason we call it "golden" is because it is the longest vacation period of the year for most Japanese employees. Many Japanese companies get about a week off because there are four national holidays within these weeks.

Green Day みどりの日 ゴールデンウィーク GoldenWeek Japan
fresh green leaves are fasinating in this season.
During this week, numerous Japanese make trips. So.... if you are thinking of visiting Japan, I suggest you to avoid this season to come over.Travel expenses like hotel room charge and flight ticket price get so high during this season. Before that, you may find so hard to book hotels and transportation. Additionally you will see the huge crowd everywhere.


No Way! Nepalese Government

だめだめな ネパール政府

100,000 victims remain homeless.
Nepal marked the first anniversary of its tragic disaster on April 25th.There are about 100,000 victims left homeless.
With such difficulties, Kathmandu held some events for the quake. People prayed for Kumamoto, even.
I believe what delays recovery from the quake in Nepal is government.
ネパール 地震 Nepal earthquake event


When to visit Nepal?


Nepal Trek ネパール トレッキング
Nepal = Himalaya
the Rainy season in Nepal
We have the rainy season in June and July in Japan. The rain is not heavy usually in the rainy season but it rains just often and generally drizzle. In Nepal they also have the rainy season. It last from June to September usually.


No doctors in Nepali villages


April 25th will mark one-year-anniversary of Nepal

Today I attended the event held by NGO Japan Platform. That about the Nepal earthquake.
A professor of Sophia univ. made a keynote speech on Nepali situation after the quake.
She has been studied about Nepal.... kind of subculture... Her HP is here. Actually where I know about is just Kathmandu and Pokhara. Even I stayed in local houses with local people, my knowledge of Nepal is just about two cities. I don't know about villages.

Health Posts in village

Most of today's stories were new to me. Specially about the medical situation in villages was like in a fairy tale...

When villagers are sick, first they go to a shaman in their village. Of course, nothing recovers....
Then they walk to the health post where medically trained staff are assigned there. That may be like a nurse office in school?


Worshipping dogs in Nepal

ネパール 犬を祭ります

As I wrote, Nepal is a country of dogs kind of. Even they have the festival for dogs. That is Tihar which is one the most celebrated festival in Nepal. It is a five-day-Hindu festival in November.

Tihar nepal festival