
Cats and Dogs


Cats in Japan
I don't know whether taking this word to express the phenomenon is right or not but I will say...

Now keeping cats is a record-breaking hit ever in Japan. As you know, cats are living creatures so I don't like to treat them as objects and say "booming".

But the surveys show number of pet cats has been increasing in the past years.
That was not our reason but we owns two cats.
Dogs in Nepal
On the other hand, Nepal is a country of dogs.
dogs in temples Nepal
sleeping dogs in a temple


Japanese regional mascot characters


mascot characters
As you already know, Japan is a country of 'anime' and 'manga(cartoon)' . I don't know whether it affects this phenomenon or not, but recently Japanese regional mascot characters, called "Gotochi Kyara" are growing so popular.

くまもん kumamon ご当地キャラ mascot characters japan
Kumamoto 's character, Kumamon

They are commonly playing an important roll to attract customers in the regional communities and even out of them. I am live in Tokyo and often see these characters, who are not Tokyo's one, appear live at special events. "live" means someone wearing full-size character costumes to animate them.
They are created to vitalize their own regions and they are going above and beyond. There are various products to sale, decorated by them and contests to decide which character is the most popular.
Kumamon refrains
The reason I am writing about "Gotochi Kyara"(regional mascot character) today is that I saw a news article about Kumamon. Kumamon is the Kumamoto prefecture's mascot character. It says that Kumamon is refraining from twittering because his priority currently should be supporting evacuated Kumamoto residences because of the quake.

It sounds like a high profile celebrityIt sounds like a high profile celebrity....

mascot characters
ご当地キャラは地域内または地域の外からの集客に重要な役割を担っています。東京在住のわたしも、他県のキャラクターの着ぐるみをよく見かけます。その地域の活性化のために創られるのですが、それ以上の働きをしてます。キャラクターのついた さまざまなグッツもあり、全国のキャラクターのうち、日本一を決める大会もあります。
Kumamon refrains



Pigeons in Kathmandu’s Durbar Square


I want to write about Kathmandu’s Durbar Square today. And before it, first I should learn about Kathmandu.

Kathmandu is located in the northwestern part of the Kathmandu Valley whose size is almost same as the Kofu valley in Japan. Five mountains surround this valley and the average elevation is 1,400 meters above sea level. The valley is bounded by Patan, Lalitpur & Bhaktapur. Patan is a beautiful city which deserve to visit!

The quake in Kumamoto


The strong earthquake hit Kumamoto prefecture on April 14. When I learned it, it was just after 20 mins of the first quake. We thought it was the first quake but it turned be a fore-shock. Next morning the main shock whose magnitude was 7.3 occurred.
The aftershocks have been occurring more than 550 times. Nearly 100,000 residents have been evacuated.
People say that Japanese are very well-disciplined but cruel thief stealings have been happening in vacant destroyed houses. It is quite a sad thing.
Food supply
Food and water, toilet paper shortage at shelters grew worse. Even the government carried to Kumamoto, landslides cut off traffic routes and Emergency supplies haven't reached people. I don't know this kind problem always happens in such situations...


Nepali women outfits


Girls' cloths
I asked my Nepali girl friend Pun is a professional dress maker. Thease are her works.

Nepali girls outfits
Pun's works... beautiful
Accutally I had no idea about women's dresses in Nepal before I visited Nepal for the first time. Now after I have been there twice, what I think about Nepali young gilrs' wearing style is that there are not big differences between each other.

When I met my Nepali friend's mum, she was wearing a traditional dress. it have may be a sarry. She told me that she had joined a wedding party before we met so that may be a formal dress.

One thing I noticed was... her stomach was out.
Since commonly we Japanese elder women don't wear skimpy dresses, I was surprised to see it a bit. But it was nice and I liked it. It looked beautiful on her.
Kurta Suruwal
Normal outfits of adult women wear are called Kurta Suruwal above. It is composed by a shirt and pants, the Nepali equivalent of the salweer kameez). Putting a scarf on neck is common.
I have never tried them but I want...! Next time I visit Nepal, defnately I will ask Pun to make Kurta Suruwals for me! My legs easily feel cold even summer so this is my style.

All of them are Pun's works. Awsome!

You can have a kuruta suruwal made to order. It takes only three days. Pun's shop is located in thamel, Kathmandu. If you like, let me know and let me connect you and her!

Kurta Suruwal
Pun's catalog of Kurta Suruwal. There are many bright colored dresses!



ネパールを訪問するまで、ネパールの女性の洋服のイメージって全然ありませんでした。 2回ネパールを訪れて、若い女性の服装について思うところは、あまり大きな違いはないということです。

女性のふだん着は、クルタスルワールと呼ばれます。シャツとズボン、ズボンとシャツの組み合わせを呼ぶネパールのsalweer kameezと同じ組み合わせです。ショールも掛けます。

3日くらいで作ってくれるそうです。あ、オーダーメードですね。カトマンズのタメル地区のはずれにお店があります。 興味のある方はお声がけください!つなぎますよ。