
Hard workers in Nepal


In Nepal, I saw amazing scene of wonders sometimes. ネパールでは、ときどきびっくりする光景を見ました。
On heads
One day I walked by a construction site one day in San's house's neighborhood . Guys were trying filling a big hole with sands. They didn't use any electronic machines but they were carrying sands out on their heads. Indeed I have seen people carrying something on their head in pictures but it was the first time to see such way in real. It is amazing....
Construction sites workers

Anyway they wore special caps. I hope their caps protecting their heads.


Hospitals in Kathmandu


Traveler's Diarrhea and Cold room in a hospital....
Unfortunately I got Traveler's Diarrhea when I visited Nepal for the second time. I drunk some amount of tap-water directly by mistake. Originally I have a sensitive stomach and a problem with my stomach often. So I am used to it but  this time I suffered from it every thirty mins for two days that made me totally nervous. I asked San to take me to a hospital. He took me Green City Hospital in his neighbor. The place I was taken to was an emergency room because it was still 6 am. There were about ten beds and it was cold like outside... It was in the end of Feb. Maybe some windows are opened....

One young doctor told me to lay down on a bed and checked my stomach from outside. I explained my problem and he told me to pick some stool up in a small container for examination.It was so small small container that I could not do it easily... but I managed to do it!
Btw it was surprisingly they didn't have toilet paper in the toilet although they are a big hospital....


Fun in Mi's shop


Mi’s shop in Dhapasi 
I like looking around in local grocery stores when I travel abroad and I could experience a real Nepali local shop! San’s anti, Mi is running a grocery store where I got yummy Nepali snacks that I introduced here before.

How safe is it?


Japan may be very safe... but
I saw one "salary man" (it means office workers in Japanese) wearing an eye mask for sleeping in the commute train this morning.
Yes that man was sleeping on the seat.
I was so surprised that I could not take my eyes on his face.. A couple of mins later, he woke up and took off the mask down on his neck and started to look at his phone. After a while he took up the eye mask from his neck to put it into the eye mask bag and got off the train.
hmmm, Viva Japan! even he sleeps deeply with an eye mask like in bed putting his bag on his legs, nobody steals it. It is Japan.


Japanese Valentin day


One month after Valentine's Day is White Day
Tomorrow March 14th is called "white day" here in Japan. Actually people celebrate this day same way in Korea and China, Taiwan.
Men who received something in Valentine's Day will give something back to girls. Something to be received in Valentine's Day is commonly fancy chocolate in Japan and something to be received in White Day is fancy candies and cookies, something sweet. Japanese Valentine's and White Day is commercialized by confection industry.(Of course people show their special affection too)
Those days are supposed to be days for couples originally but they have another aspect.