
Patan one year and three months after the quake

パタンダルバール広場 地震から1年3ヶ月

Complex of temples
Patan Durbar Square is a 17th century royal palace complex filled with temples and monuments. Since this World Heritage site was badly damaged by the quake on April 25th, 2015, one year and three months has past. I went back there to learn the post-quake reconstruction work under way. It has a lot of fences surrounding temples I wanted to see them closer actually.
Patan Durbar Square

Vishwanath Mandir
Vishwanath Mandir

Hence a lot of travelers were walking there and you can enjoy seeing them.

I am concerned about way to preserve. If I have world heritage sites are situated in my neighborhood, I will ride a bike there to see it sometimes. But will I park my bike in  the site ? No...!
But here you will see many mortar bikes parked in front of monuments and temple.
 Nepali people don't mind such things seemingly. They are kind of generous??

Krishna Mandir
This Mogul-influenced Krishna Mandir survived the quake are standing still there. Even... people are relaxed and sitting on there....
Krishna Mandir
Krishna Mandir

パタンのダルバール広場は寺院やモニュメントであふれた17世紀の王宮コンプレックスです。この世界遺産が2015年4月25日の地震で激しく傷ついてから、1年と3ヶ月経ちました。 そこを再び訪れると、まだ再建の最中でした。寺院はフェンスに囲まれてます。 もう少し近づいて見たかったな。
ただ保存方法が心配だ・・もし近所に世界遺産があったら、そう、自転車で見に行ったりするかもしれない。でも自転車をその中に止めるかなあ? いやー止めないなあ。