
Where to get Omiyage in Patan ~NEPAL GANESHA

パタンでお土産探ししよう ~ ネパールガネーシャ

What to pick as omiyage puzzles Japanese workers
When we take day off to make a trip somewhere, what to buy as omiyage(souvenirs) to your colleagues is a big issue puzzling Japanese workers.
In deed it is common to hand over omiyage at workplace when we return from vacation. We need pick appropriate things as souvenirs.

Since we need to get more than five souvenirs, if we take something wrong, we would get in trouble with paying much or carrying heavy things. We generally have more than five colleagues, right? And souvenirs should be same. And if we pick each different things to each colleagues, we need them almost at same price. If we give something gorgeous to one colleague and tiny things to other colleagues, someone would complain about it behind you.
What to pick up for souvenirs in Nepal?
When I visit Nepal, of course I try to find such thing for souvenirs to colleagues. However I could not find any snacks or cookies are not individually packed.
 I would suggest one of the best shop where you get souvenirs. It is NEPAL GANESHA which is located near Patan Durbar square.  They have staff who is able to speak English.

ぢゅりさん Juli
Juli-san who runs NEPAL GANESHA in Patan

Julie-san, a Japanese woman runs this shop. She is trying hard to make good staff for souvenirs like individually packed chocolates containing coffee beans and lapsy candy(About Lapcy candy (japanese)) packed small, tea, soap.
Organic Lapcy candy which is straight from a village where this is produced.  オーガニックのラプシーキャンディ。生産している村直送です。
Organic Lapcy candy which is straight from godamchour where this is produced.
colorful animal pen case
You can find other nice things in her shop. It is very fun to look around there.

everything is well-organized.
I found pretty candles. I asked Julie-san if Nepal produces good quality candle. The answer is interesting. Actually these candles are produced by her Nepali friend who was taught how to make beautiful patterned candles by "Candle June" who is a Japanese famous artist.
You can find candles on stairs. They are beautiful.

You can learn where it is located in the map embedded at the bottom of this page.

お休みを取って旅行に行くとき、会社の同僚になんのお土産を買うかは、日本人の会社員にとって悩ましい深刻な問題です。 日本ではお休み明けに、お土産を同僚に配るのが一般的です。適確なお土産を手に入れる必要があります。お土産は大抵5つ以上になるので、間違ったものを選ぶと、出費が痛くなったり、重たいものを運ばなければならなくなったりします。 だって同僚って5人以上いるもんですよね・・。 


ネパールガネーシャ TEL 55238211

そこで、お土産ゲットによいお店をご紹介します!パタンのダルバール広場に近いNEPAL GANESHAです。ネパールガネーシャ!


