
Thangka in "Family Thangka Workshop" Patan


the Traditional painting
When I walked around in Patan, something caught my eyes.

They did.

The paintings are called Thangka(tangka).  A Tibetan Buddhist painting that depict usually Buddhist deity, mandala and Buddhist scene.

As you can see, they possess a unique style of their own. Most of them look painted with stable and strong lines like oil or acrylic paintings. The shop owner told me that they are painted in watercolor.
I was so amazed with the strong and bright color of them.

My eyes were caught
I stopped by the shop where the paintings drawing my attention were displayed. The shop's name is Family Thangka Workshop. Wow there were many Thangkas in the shop. I said "Namaste" to the shop clerk who was at the same time a Thangka artist.
There are many colorful Thangka paintings inside of the shop.

When he learned that I was Japanese, he sent his small boy to his brother in backyard because his wife was also Japanese.
They kindly offered some tea to us and we chatted for a while. This IS the Nepali style what made me a big fan of Nepal. People are very friendly and kind.
Looking for a nice frame for mine
Eventually I managed to choose one small painting depicting the process we transit to a god when human being are dying.
The left one is now mine !

How hard to choose one was from many pretty paintings...Now I am looking for a frame for it.
I embed a map for this on the bottom of this post.  In case that you are interested in them, I let you know their email lama_rakam82@yahoo.com.

a three-month-work



皆さん、お茶を出してくれて、しばらくおしゃべりしました。これがわたしがネパールファンになった、 ネパールスタイルです!みんなフレンドリーで親切。

これはNewachenゲストハウスの地図ですが、その前です! lama_rakam82@yahoo.com.


Kumbeshwar Temple, Patan


Isn't it peaceful?
While we walked through the gate, San(the Nepali friend of mine) told me; "this temple has five tiers and the site is very calm and peaceful..." and the next instance we saw a lot of people in front of us.

they have a watering-place on the right side

Shiva Load and girls

There were quite a lot of girls in lines to the temple. This day was Monday that is dedicated to Lord Shiva. In Hinduism, each day of a week is dedicated to a particular god in the Hindu pantheon.
This temple is dedicated to Load Shiva. That is why a lot of people were visiting there. But why most of them(more than 99 percentage of them) were girls?

Since Shiva is a deity of a very good husband, girls pray for happy marriage there. Even so.... we saw a huge number of girls waiting for getting in the temple.
It is same as here in Japan. There is a famous shrine called Tokyo Daijingu where girls rush into to pray for their happy dating and marriage. I have seen a long long line in front of the entrance so often.

Offering things are sold this way




Nepal festival in Yoyogi Park of Tokyo


Nepal Festival
In summer we have a lot of "natsu fes" in Japan recently. It is not traditional festivals but kind of outdoor concerts or music lives. Young people like to join them. In my case.... I have no energy left ... But I like "international festival" held in Yoyogi park of Tokyo. They regularly hold events that you can enjoy eating specific countries' or foreign areas' foods and cultural things.

They had a Nepal Festival event in Tokyo on Aug 6th and 7th. http://www.nepalfestivaljapan.com/ja

It was a pretty hot melting day but a lot of Nepalese and Japanese who is fond of Nepal got together in the park. I think I saw more Nepalese than Japanese. I was impressed Nepalese girls and ladies in pretty dresses.


Summer events in Japan


I am going to introduce very common things of summer in Japan today.
It is Obon season now. A lot of Japanese are on the Obon vacation and making trips or visiting their parents' houses. Obon is an annual Buddhist tradition for commemorating one's ancestors and we believe that our ancestors' spirits come back to our homes during this term. We also visit ancestors' braves. Obon is generally celebrated around Aug 15th.
Obon has another side. Japanese companies are on vacation at this season. Huge amount of Japanese people rush into sightseeing spots. Most highways are pretty busy. On the other hand, we have less rush hours when we commune.
Summer festival
We have a lot of local festivals everywhere in Japan and we generally call them "Summer festival"(Natsu matsuri). I saw a festival held in my neighborhood last week.
Main event of summer festival is that people carry around Mikoshi in their community. Mikoshi is kind of portable shrine. The spirit of a deity temporarily reposes in it.
神輿 みこし 夏祭り
Mikoshi is portable shriine.
Odori means to dance and Bon-odori is for celebrating Obon. There are various explanation about the origin but it is performed in summer festival events cross over Japan.


Where to get Omiyage in Patan ~NEPAL GANESHA

パタンでお土産探ししよう ~ ネパールガネーシャ

What to pick as omiyage puzzles Japanese workers
When we take day off to make a trip somewhere, what to buy as omiyage(souvenirs) to your colleagues is a big issue puzzling Japanese workers.
In deed it is common to hand over omiyage at workplace when we return from vacation. We need pick appropriate things as souvenirs.

Since we need to get more than five souvenirs, if we take something wrong, we would get in trouble with paying much or carrying heavy things. We generally have more than five colleagues, right? And souvenirs should be same. And if we pick each different things to each colleagues, we need them almost at same price. If we give something gorgeous to one colleague and tiny things to other colleagues, someone would complain about it behind you.
What to pick up for souvenirs in Nepal?
When I visit Nepal, of course I try to find such thing for souvenirs to colleagues. However I could not find any snacks or cookies are not individually packed.
 I would suggest one of the best shop where you get souvenirs. It is NEPAL GANESHA which is located near Patan Durbar square.  They have staff who is able to speak English.

ぢゅりさん Juli
Juli-san who runs NEPAL GANESHA in Patan


well-skilled to carry heavy luggage without any tools.


As I wrote about hard workers and how to carry luggage in Nepal, I really frequently see many people carrying heavy luggage very hard. They are well-skilled to carry heavy and huge luggage. It is kind of overwhelming.

on head
They were able to keep their balance very well while they were walking without holding by hands. I am worried about their neck-pain....

ladies also do
Even ladies are struggling with carrying a heavy luggage.

luggage seems to be heavy
I guess they are carrying something for selling.

Even a little boy is helping his mum with carrying a big luggage for him.







dog and cow say "i don't care...."


When I walk around in Kathmandu, I see many saying "ah... I don't care."

They are quite generous and brave with the high self-esteem. Even someone are upsetting besides them, they don't care....

dogs 犬 ネパール nepal

They are totally relaxed among guys. This is on a footbridge. Another one is showing dogs laying down in the middle of road. Even if a motorbike passes by them, they  don't care it.

Next... this is sleeping under a statue in front of a shrine. Heeey this place is a holly place....! But he may sleep anywhere and anytime when he wants to sleep.

I saw another one dog sleeping under a bicycle. It seems that it is not good place to sleep...

god nepal 犬 ネパール 

 Cows are also like them. They don't mind where they are sleeping and walking. Or... they perhaps think themselves as a person?


Patan one year and three months after the quake

パタンダルバール広場 地震から1年3ヶ月

Complex of temples
Patan Durbar Square is a 17th century royal palace complex filled with temples and monuments. Since this World Heritage site was badly damaged by the quake on April 25th, 2015, one year and three months has past. I went back there to learn the post-quake reconstruction work under way. It has a lot of fences surrounding temples I wanted to see them closer actually.
Patan Durbar Square

Vishwanath Mandir
Vishwanath Mandir

Hence a lot of travelers were walking there and you can enjoy seeing them.

I am concerned about way to preserve. If I have world heritage sites are situated in my neighborhood, I will ride a bike there to see it sometimes. But will I park my bike in  the site ? No...!
But here you will see many mortar bikes parked in front of monuments and temple.
 Nepali people don't mind such things seemingly. They are kind of generous??

Krishna Mandir
This Mogul-influenced Krishna Mandir survived the quake are standing still there. Even... people are relaxed and sitting on there....
Krishna Mandir
Krishna Mandir

パタンのダルバール広場は寺院やモニュメントであふれた17世紀の王宮コンプレックスです。この世界遺産が2015年4月25日の地震で激しく傷ついてから、1年と3ヶ月経ちました。 そこを再び訪れると、まだ再建の最中でした。寺院はフェンスに囲まれてます。 もう少し近づいて見たかったな。
ただ保存方法が心配だ・・もし近所に世界遺産があったら、そう、自転車で見に行ったりするかもしれない。でも自転車をその中に止めるかなあ? いやー止めないなあ。




Rainy season is over...?
Lately it is sooooo hot here in Tokyo. Temperature is beyond thirty degrees. Even the humidity is almost 90%.... this may be like in a sauna!

I suppose it is still rainy season here since I haven't heard that the Meteorological Agency hasn't announced the end of rainy season. But it is more likely in the middle of summer.

Last Thursday, July 7th, was Tanabata(star festival). People generally celebrate it hanging on pieces of paper which a wish is written on bamboo stems. The small pieces of paper are called Tanzaku. They are five colored.

Hey... Is it the same as Tarchor?!

A flower of rainy season in Japan
June is blooming season for hydrangea in Japan and we often see hydrangeas on streets. I love this beautiful flower. Their bright and deep color catch our eyes in rain.

I am just wondering hydrangea is popular in other countries as well? Hydrangea is indigenous to Japan indeed.

Shrines and the flower
I suppose Japanese associates hydrangea with shrines.

Since health care was poor in ancient time, more people suffered from illnesses and killed in the rainy season when hydrangeas bloomed.

Some shrines planted this flower to offer people killed. In fact we have many shrines which is famous with its hydrangea ; https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%A2%E3%82%B8%E3%82%B5%E3%82%A4%E5%AF%BA

I missed to visit my favorite place to enjoy seeing hydrangeas this year.....







昔は医療が発達していなかったため、 沢山の人があじさいが咲く梅雨の時期に病気になったりなくなったりしました。




Prayer Flags


You may have seen those colorful prayer flags in some pictures of Nepal and Tibet. They are found in many places in Nepal.

Prayer Flags タルチョー Tarchor
They say that flags seen in Tibetan Buddhism and have a long long history and root in ancient India.

As I learned that Tibet Buddhism affects Nepali traditions this much, those flags are also from Tibet.
They are called "Tarchor" which are in five different colors.
Each of them represents;

Blue symbolizing sky or space.
White symbolizing air or wind.
Red symbolizing fire.
Green symbolizing water.
Yellow symbolizing the earth.

In vertical displays, the yellow goes at the bottom and the blue at the top.





Old and New


Konpira Gu in the middle of buildings
As you know, Tokyo is one of the biggest city in the world.

While we see skyscrapers, we can see a plenty of old temples and shrines in Tokyo.

Sometimes they are seen at the same time as blow.
虎ノ門金比羅 琴平
integration of a modern building and an ancient shrine 

This shrine is built in the middle of Tokyo where is near the governmental area, Sakurada-mon, Konpira Gu. The Torii of it is standing out with its unique animal statues on itself.

Zojoji Temple and Tokyo tower
Behind of the temple, we see a tall building. 

a beautiful combination of new and old things
They are Tokyo Tower standing 333 meters high and Zojoji Temple standing next to Tokyo Tower. The temple was built in the year 1393 initially. And it was moved its present location in 1598. The contrast of the modern architecture and the ancient architecture is awesome.


Sushi restaurant


luxury food, Sushi
As you may know, Sushi is one of the representative Japanese food.
It is one of the traditional food. Since the Edo period, Japanese people have been enjoying eating it.
Sushi is kind of expensive and fancy food. If I have sushi at a "real" sushi restaurant, I would say "I treated myself for fancy dinner tonight".

But they say that Sushi used to be a fast food like Macdonald's back to the Edo period. They used to be sold in street stall.
Sushi grew cheaper and entertaining 
We have Kaiten Sushi restaurants while we have expensive fancy Sushi restaurants where the plates with the sushi are placed on a rotating conveyor belt.

At fancy Sushi restaurant, we sit at counter seat in front of Sushi chefs and order and a chef serves.
a Sushi chef

But we see chefs over a conveyor belt , even we can't see them at Kaiten Sushi restaurants. And Sushi will be conveyed on the rotating belt. We need to pick up Sushi we want to eat by myself. Sushi at Kaiten Shushi places are made by special machines, not human chef mostly. Kaiten Sushi places are kind of a fast food shop.

The first Kaiten Sushi restaurant was opened around 1960. When I just wanted to eat "Sushi like", I visited Kaiten Sushi places some times. Because they were less tasty than ones at fancy Sushi but much cheaper.

Sushi covered go around in a restaurant
However I realized recent Kaiten Sushi places are very entertaining too! Lately I visited a Kaiten place for the first time in the past 10 year to learn it.

We see no chefs there and can order what we want from the spacial device equipped with each tables, other than Sushis coming up on the rotating conveyor belt.

Desert plates are conveyed around as well.  It is fan to see them sliding forward on the belt.

Your orders are conveyed on another belt in front of you.


Prayer Wheel (Mani Wheel )


Prayer wheel is from Tibetan Buddhist. You would see them in Ruddiest temples in Nepal. There are some kinds of prayer wheels, hand-held small one , large one as like in the pics.
Prayer Wheel (Mani Wheel ) 

According to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, spinning such a wheel will have much the same meritorious effect as orally reciting the prayers.

They do spin large ones. I did. I joined an uncle spinning a large one. I didn't need to push it strong because he did. If I tried to begin spinning only by myself, it would have needed me more power....

When I saw a large one for the first time, something came in my mind. Yes this.

This is bell in Japanese Buddhist temples. We don't spin it but ring it. Doesn't it similar Mani wheel?





Swayambhunath ~ A lot of ..... in Monkey Temple

沢山の .....

small temples and statues
Swayambhunath is a religious complex consisting of stupas, small temples and monuments and images of deities. You will see many statues surrounding the most famous huge stupa after you climb up the stairs.

Swayambhunath complex

And you will see a lot of monkeys... of course.

Kathmandu monkey
stealing foods offered....


You will see the overwhelming scenery of residential areas from the top.
Swayambhunath スワヤンプナート
 a lot of houses are spreading out
