
Nepali "Oyatsu"(snack) foods


Nepali local snacks are yummy and healthy.
Since Nepal is a multiracial and multicultural country and additionally has three neighboring-countries, it represents the broader diversity of food too.But you can find common ingredients in Nepalese foods like lentils and potatoes, cumin, coriander, chilies, peppers, garlic
You can enjoy foods influenced by Tibet and India, Newal and others even you are just in Nepal.I make a list of foods I have tried here.
Ah Curries and Momo are absolute foods. You can see them here. 

It is like Japanese Ramen containing bits of meat and vegetables. Noodles are thick. This roots in Tibet and influenced by China.


The adorable destroyer in Kathmandu Durbar Square

The cute destroyer in the Durbar Square


Kala Bhairava
At the first sihgt, I didn't think it is a diety. Because it has somehow a humorous appearance. It has big eyes and big accessories, big stomach.
This is a Hindu deity, Kala Bhairava. Kala Bhairava is a fierce manifestation of Lord Shiva. Shiva is the third god in the Hindu triumvirate and the destroyer. The triumvirate consists of three gods(The other two are Brahma and Vishnu) who are responsible for the creation, maintain and destruction of the world. He is standing on the northern corner in the Durbar Square, Kathmandu
Kala Bhairava


Design your own T shrits in Thamel


Custom-made-Embroidered T shirts
When I visited Thamel, I found one great thirsts shop. NEW POTALA
T shirts seems to be popular gifts from Nepal. Even the famous Japanese trip guidebook series "Chikyu no arukikata"(how to travel in the earth) on Nepal is mentioning t shirts as one of Nepali handcraft souvenirs.

In this shop you can order your custom patterned t shirt. This guy is the shop owner!
And I am so impressed with this sawing machine. it seems to be rather than vintage, not old.

This is completely customized-embroidered one. I ask him to use a single pink thread. This is for myself.

Another one went to my close friend Kazuko. I asked him to embroider the small figure of person suggesting her standing on the top of the mountain, and her name and the arrow to ready-made-embroidered one.

Your order will be ready in one day. I recommend you to get your unique souvenirs. Their prices are around 700 NRP just! nice price!

Under the TNT Cargo of Ward No.29. Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
New Potala








Prince Harry visited Nepal

ヘンリー王子 ネパールに行く

Prince Harry made his first official visit in Nepal the week before last. That is expected to catch people's attentions to Nepal and promt to rebuild.

He seems to be very friendly.
He joined locals for dinner and dance, Holi(the color festival). Even he stayed over in a local family when he visited Leorani village.



Khata Tibetan Scarves in Nepal

チベットのスカーフ カタ

a gift for the trip
The day I left Nepal, one of my Nepali friend Ni gave me this scarf.
This is not just a scarf but "Khata" which is one of the ceremonial items. It originated in Tibetan Buddhism.

When Ni gave it to me, she told me that this was for my safe trip and draped around my neck. And this scarf is not for all of my journeys but only for the trip back to Japan. It sounds very spiritual!